A grande disputa política atual é pela supremacia tecnológica entre os EUA e a China. No Brasil, seguimos desmatando pra plantar soja e criar gado. Sem investir nas mudanças de paradigma, logo não teremos nem mão de obra capaz das novas demandas.

O Brasil se tornará irrelevante?

E ainda no RESUMIDO #100: uma viagem pelo túnel do tempo do RESUMIDO, policiais utilizando táticas de guerrilha digital, três assuntos aparentemente sem conexão mas que apontam um futuro sombrio pro Brasil, Free Britney, Biggie Smalls, Jorge Ben e muito mais!


O RESUMIDO é um podcast independente e financiado pelos ouvintes. Uma contribuição mensal ajuda a manter o conteúdo aberto e disponível para todos, inclusive para aqueles que não podem contribuir. Se você puder participar, minha sugestão são R$ 10, mas vc pode definir o valor que quiser. Obrigado!


Link to Cops playing copyrighted music to stop video of them being posted online | Boing Boing

Cops playing copyrighted music to stop video of them being posted online | Boing Boing

On several occasions, cops have started playing popular music when they realize they’re being filmed. The odd behavior has a point: they hope that copyright-strike algorithms on YouTube, Inst…

Link to Mount Sinai study finds Apple Watch can predict COVID-19 diagnosis up to a week before testing – TechCrunch

Mount Sinai study finds Apple Watch can predict COVID-19 diagnosis up to a week before testing – TechCrunch

A new study from Mount Sinai researchers published in the peer-reviewed “Journal of Medical Internet Research” found that wearable hardware, and specifically the Apple Watch, can effectively predict a positive COVID-19 diagnosis up to a week before current PCR-based nasal swab tests. Th…

Link to Facebook Dials Down the Politics for Users

Facebook Dials Down the Politics for Users

News feeds will start getting less political content in Canada, Brazil and Indonesia, the social network said, with the change reaching the U.S. in coming weeks.

Link to Instagram to ban accounts that send racist abuse following targeting of footballers

Instagram to ban accounts that send racist abuse following targeting of footballers

Stars including Marcus Rashford have received abusive messages over the social media platform, prompting criticism of Facebook.

Link to Twitter’s Trump ban is permanent, even if he runs for office again

Twitter’s Trump ban is permanent, even if he runs for office again

Trump isn’t coming back Twitter, even if he’s acquitted in his impeachment trial and runs again.

Link to Twitter Says It Won’t Block Journalists, Activists, And Politicians In India To Protect Free Speech

Twitter Says It Won’t Block Journalists, Activists, And Politicians In India To Protect Free Speech

Defying the Indian government could put Twitter officials in jail. But not doing so would mean enabling a crackdown against free speech.

Link to Twitter will explore letting users receive payments from followers

Twitter will explore letting users receive payments from followers

Twitter Inc Chief Executive Jack Dorsey said Wednesday the company is exploring allowing its users to receive tips, or digital payments, from their followers.

Link to Mastercard começa a aceitar pagamentos em criptomoeda ainda este ano

Mastercard começa a aceitar pagamentos em criptomoeda ainda este ano

Empresa quer adotar moedas virtuais seguras de forma a dar a opção a consumidores e negócios


Link to This is how we lost control of our faces

This is how we lost control of our faces

The largest ever study of facial-recognition data shows how much the rise of deep learning has fueled a loss of privacy.

Link to Não é notícia repetida: vazaram dados de mais de 100 milhões de contas de celular no Brasil – Gizmodo Brasil

Não é notícia repetida: vazaram dados de mais de 100 milhões de contas de celular no Brasil – Gizmodo Brasil

Vazamento inclui dados de Jair Bolsonaro, William Bonner e Fátima Bernardes.

Link to Claro, Vivo, TIM e Oi terão que explicar megavazamento à Senacon | Antivírus e Segurança | Tecnoblog

Claro, Vivo, TIM e Oi terão que explicar megavazamento à Senacon | Antivírus e Segurança | Tecnoblog

Senacon notifica Claro, Vivo, TIM e Oi para apurar megavazamento que expôs mais de 100 milhões de números de celulares

Link to Brazilians Are Buying Guns in Record Numbers With Barely Any Oversight

Brazilians Are Buying Guns in Record Numbers With Barely Any Oversight

President Bolsonaro is encouraging weapons imports and shooting clubs, but discouraging the tracking of firearms in what observers say could be stoking violent crime.

Link to Anger as Bolsonaro moves to make guns easier to access: ‘A threat to democracy’

Anger as Bolsonaro moves to make guns easier to access: ‘A threat to democracy’

Gun control campaigners appalled after Brazil’s pro-gun president announces four decrees to facilitate acquiring weapons

Link to NAÇÃO DE JESUS: Fuzis ungidos e grafite gospel em muros da comunidade: para facção do Rio, a lei do tráfico é a lei de Deus

NAÇÃO DE JESUS: Fuzis ungidos e grafite gospel em muros da comunidade: para facção do Rio, a lei do tráfico é a lei de Deus

Fuzis ungidos e grafite gospel em muros da comunidade: para facção do Rio, a lei do tráfico é a lei de Deus


Link to Bring Back the Nervous Breakdown

Bring Back the Nervous Breakdown

It used to be okay to admit that the world had simply become too much.

Link to The Pandemic Has Erased Entire Categories of Friendship

The Pandemic Has Erased Entire Categories of Friendship

There’s a reason you miss the people you didn’t even know that well.

Link to A Vast Web of Vengeance

A Vast Web of Vengeance

Outrageous lies destroyed Guy Babcock’s online reputation. When he went hunting for their source, what he discovered was worse than he could have imagined.



Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva em algum lugar!)