Quando o assunto é a coisa certa a ser feita, a educação e o bom senso deveriam ser o suficiente para assegurar as melhores práticas.

Quando isso não basta, existem também regras, determinações e até mesmo leis determinando como as coisas devem ser feitas.

Mas em pleno 2020, a grande força capaz de assegurar que a coisa certa seja feita segue sendo o bom e velho dinheiro.

Para as coisas funcionarem tem que doer no bolso?

E ainda no RESUMIDO #68: o que significa a PL das Fake News, o boicote de grandes marcas ao Facebook, hackers em ação, questões sobre o modelo de negócio das redes sociais, deepfakes no cinema, Netflix party, Ennio Morricone e muito mais!


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Apontar para PL das fakes news: censura? Lei da mordaça? Entenda o que pode mudar

PL das fakes news: censura? Lei da mordaça? Entenda o que pode mudar

Aprovado pelo Senado nesta terça, projeto de lei, que tem como objetivo combater notícias falsas, carrega inúmeras preocupações que ferem direitos do usuário

Apontar para Twitter apologizes for adding coronavirus fact-check labels to tweets that weren’t misleading

Twitter apologizes for adding coronavirus fact-check labels to tweets that weren’t misleading

Twitter has apologized for accidentally labeling some tweets about the coronavirus pandemic and 5G as misleading content.

Apontar para PL das fake news: aprovado no Senado, entenda o que pode mudar

PL das fake news: aprovado no Senado, entenda o que pode mudar

O Senado aprovou nesta terça-feira (30) o texto-base do “PL das fake news”, projeto de lei 2630/20 que discorre sobr

Apontar para PL das fake news deve ser discutido pela Câmara nesta semana | Legislação | Tecnoblog

PL das fake news deve ser discutido pela Câmara nesta semana | Legislação | Tecnoblog

O PL das fake news foi aprovado no Senado e chega à Câmara dos Deputados em meio a críticas; Bolsonaro considera vetar proposta

Apontar para ‘Bolsonaro me disse que vai vetar PL das Fake News’, diz pastor Silas Malafaia | Sonar – A Escuta das Redes – O Globo

‘Bolsonaro me disse que vai vetar PL das Fake News’, diz pastor Silas Malafaia | Sonar – A Escuta das Redes – O Globo

Thiago Prado O pastor Silas Malafaia conversou nos últimos dias com o presidente Jair Bolsonaro sobre dois assuntos: a nomeação do novo ministro d…

Apontar para In Hong Kong, a Proxy Battle Over Internet Freedom Begins

In Hong Kong, a Proxy Battle Over Internet Freedom Begins

As the city grapples with new restrictions on online speech, American tech giants are on the front line of a clash between China and the United States over the internet’s future.


Apontar para The Trump 2020 app is a voter surveillance tool of extraordinary power

The Trump 2020 app is a voter surveillance tool of extraordinary power

Ahead of President Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, his 2020 re-election campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted about the event. “Just passed 800,000 tickets,” he wrote. “Biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x. Saturday is going to be amazing!” Parscale’s numbers for the rally—originally scheduled for Juneteenth and still set to occur…

Apontar para Campanha nos EUA aposta em geopropaganda para influenciar eleitores

Campanha nos EUA aposta em geopropaganda para influenciar eleitores

Inspirados no Brasil e na Índia, Trump e Biden usam mensagens em massa e aplicativos para celular

Apontar para Bolsonaros aderem a rede social de direita Parler

Bolsonaros aderem a rede social de direita Parler

A família Bolsonaro e seus seguidores são o mais novo grupo da direita global a aderir ao Parler. A rede social criada em 2018 funciona de modo quase idêntico ao Twitter, mas com uma diferença importante: menos regulação de conteúdo ofensivo.A p

Apontar para New rightwing free speech site Parler gets in a tangle over … free speech

New rightwing free speech site Parler gets in a tangle over … free speech

The social network bills itself as a ‘no censorship’ bastion – but it’s already had to remind users what is and isn’t allowed

Apontar para New rightwing free speech site Parler gets in a tangle over … free speech

New rightwing free speech site Parler gets in a tangle over … free speech

The social network bills itself as a ‘no censorship’ bastion – but it’s already had to remind users what is and isn’t allowed

Apontar para VICE – Discord Just Shut Down the Biggest ‘Boogaloo’ Server for Inciting Violence

VICE – Discord Just Shut Down the Biggest ‘Boogaloo’ Server for Inciting Violence

Discord determined the server violates their community guidelines for “threatening and encouraging violence” after VICE News reported its existence.

Apontar para Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign

Right-Wing Media Outlets Duped by a Middle East Propaganda Campaign

Conservative sites like Newsmax and Washington Examiner have published Middle East hot takes from “experts” who are actually fake personas pushing propaganda.

Apontar para Kanye West volta a dizer que vai se candidatar a presidente dos EUA

Kanye West volta a dizer que vai se candidatar a presidente dos EUA

Não é a primeira vez que rapper promete concorrer à Casa Branca.


Apontar para No submundo da internet, prospera o lucrativo negócio de chantagear empresas em meio à pandemia

No submundo da internet, prospera o lucrativo negócio de chantagear empresas em meio à pandemia

Cibercriminosos criam verdadeiras empresas de sequestro de dados e extorsão, expondo informações de companhias como Cosan, Aliansce Sonae, Arteris e CPFL, e promovem leilões em tempo real. Ataques aumentam mais de 300% entre fevereiro e abril

Apontar para Ataques hackers contra empresas no Brasil aumentam com pandemia

Ataques hackers contra empresas no Brasil aumentam com pandemia

O número de ataques hackers contra empresas no Brasil disparou com a pandemia, segundo levantamento da Kaspersky. Clique para saber mais

Apontar para Anonymous Stole and Leaked a Megatrove of Police Documents

Anonymous Stole and Leaked a Megatrove of Police Documents

The so-called BlueLeaks collection includes internal memos, financial records, and more from over 200 state, local, and federal agencies.

Apontar para Hack-for-hire group targeted climate activists behind #ExxonKnew campaign

Hack-for-hire group targeted climate activists behind #ExxonKnew campaign

The hackers, dubbed ‘Dark Basin’, went after thousands of individuals and hundreds of institutions, a report finds

Apontar para Environmentalists Targeted Exxon Mobil. Then Hackers Targeted Them.

Environmentalists Targeted Exxon Mobil. Then Hackers Targeted Them.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are investigating a global hacker-for-hire operation that sent phishing emails to environmental groups, journalists and others.

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Apontar para Four Top Tech C.E.O.s Will Testify in Antitrust Inquiry, Panel Says

Four Top Tech C.E.O.s Will Testify in Antitrust Inquiry, Panel Says

The hearing this month would be a central moment in the continuing backlash against the power of Amazon, Facebook, Alphabet and Apple.

Apontar para YouTube’s Power of the Purse

YouTube’s Power of the Purse

YouTube shows that some constructions of digital spaces can help combat online nastiness.

Apontar para Bogus Ideas Have Superspreaders, Too

Bogus Ideas Have Superspreaders, Too

Internet companies should treat people with big followings differently.

Apontar para Creative Good: The algorithmic amplifier fueling corruption in Silicon Valley

Creative Good: The algorithmic amplifier fueling corruption in Silicon Valley

Creative Good creates good experiences — for our consulting clients, our Good Todo users, our newsletter readers, and all of our fans.


Apontar para Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm

Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm

In what may be the first known case of its kind, a faulty facial recognition match led to a Michigan man’s arrest for a crime he did not commit.

Apontar para A.I. Robot Cast in Lead Role of $70M Sci-Fi Film

A.I. Robot Cast in Lead Role of $70M Sci-Fi Film

The feature, financed by the backers of ‘To the Bone’ and ‘Loving Vincent,’ is said to be the first to rely on an artificially intelligent actor.

Apontar para How deepfakes could actually do some good

How deepfakes could actually do some good

A new documentary highlights how the controversial technology can protect people.

Apontar para Disney’s deepfakes are getting closer to a big-screen debut

Disney’s deepfakes are getting closer to a big-screen debut

Deepfakes are getting deeper every day.

Apontar para An optimistic view of deepfakes – TechCrunch

An optimistic view of deepfakes – TechCrunch

The negative implications of deepfakes are troubling, and the better we understand them, the better we’ll be able to prevent their worst consequences.

Apontar para This startup claims its deepfakes will protect your privacy

This startup claims its deepfakes will protect your privacy

As the saying goes: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. Now, if someone in a video clip is the same race, gender, and age as you, has the same gestures and emotional expressions as you—and is, in fact, based on you—yet doesn’t…

Apontar para Universities and Tech Giants Back National Cloud Computing Project

Universities and Tech Giants Back National Cloud Computing Project

A proposal to give scientists access to huge data sets and powerful computers.

BOICOTE #StopHateForProfit

Apontar para Por que grandes empresas decidiram boicotar o Facebook

Por que grandes empresas decidiram boicotar o Facebook

Companhias pararam de anunciar nas plataformas da rede social e aderiram à campanha Stop Hate For Profit, que exige a tomada de medidas mais rígidas contra conteúdos racistas.

Apontar para From Our CMO: It’s Time to Stop Hate For Profit – Levi Strauss & Co

From Our CMO: It’s Time to Stop Hate For Profit – Levi Strauss & Co

The Levi’s and Dockers brands are joining the Stop Hate For Profit campaign, pausing all paid Facebook and Instagram ads globally to “hit pause on hate.”

Apontar para These big businesses are all boycotting Facebook ads

These big businesses are all boycotting Facebook ads

Here’s a list of all of them, including Unilever and Verizon.

Apontar para Third of advertisers may boycott Facebook in hate speech revolt

Third of advertisers may boycott Facebook in hate speech revolt

‘Stop Hate for Profit’ campaign gathers momentum as ad boycott spreads outside US

Apontar para Zuckerberg Tells Facebook Staff He Expects Advertisers to Return ‘Soon Enough’

Zuckerberg Tells Facebook Staff He Expects Advertisers to Return ‘Soon Enough’

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told employees he was reluctant to bow to the threats of a growing ad boycott, saying in private remarks that “my guess is that all these advertisers will be back on the platform soon enough.”Zuckerberg gave his thoughts on the boycott, which now includes large …

Apontar para Facebook faces trust crisis as ad boycott grows

Facebook faces trust crisis as ad boycott grows

The boycotts aren’t threatening Facebook financially, but they’re posing a growing reputational problem.


Apontar para Haven’t tried Netflix Party with friends yet? Here’s how you can watch movies for free

Haven’t tried Netflix Party with friends yet? Here’s how you can watch movies for free

Play and pause Netflix movies and TV shows simultaneously with your family and friends remotely with this free browser extension.

Apontar para Amazon Prime Video introduces ‘Watch Party,’ a social co-viewing experience included with Prime – TechCrunch

Amazon Prime Video introduces ‘Watch Party,’ a social co-viewing experience included with Prime – TechCrunch

Amazon Prime Video is beginning to roll out a co-viewing feature to Amazon Prime members in the U.S., the company announced today. The “Watch Party” feature, which is included at no extra cost with a Prime membership, allows participants to watch video content together at the same time …

Apontar para Ennio Morricone escreveu o próprio obituário para se despedir de quem amava

Ennio Morricone escreveu o próprio obituário para se despedir de quem amava

Maestro, que morreu nesta segunda (6), aos 91 anos, ganhou destaque ao compor a trilha sonora de centenas de filmes

Apontar para Albums of the Year 2020…So Far

Albums of the Year 2020…So Far

2020 is a year like no other before it. Music has been denied much of what it holds dear; live performance, congregation and an artist’s ability to freely connect with their adoring audiences whenever, wherever and however they choose. But through the seemingly unending fog emerges an undeniable truth; music’s


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva!)