Nunca se teve tanta música disponível. Ao mesmo tempo, nunca foi tão difícil ouvir o que você quer. Playlists e imposições do algoritmo para atender os próprios interesses comerciais são o foco do design e usabilidade das plataformas. Como se fosse… uma rádio.

Quem escolhe o que você ouve?

E ainda no RESUMIDO #116: a força do Spotify nos seus hábitos musicais, a relação entre influenciadores e o esporte profissional, o fim do blog do Trump, ataques de ransomware em alta, Copa América no Brasil, 1971 e aquela dúvida: maconha ou Bitcoin?


O RESUMIDO é um podcast independente e financiado pelos ouvintes. Uma contribuição mensal ajuda a manter o conteúdo aberto e disponível para todos, inclusive para aqueles que não podem contribuir. Se você puder participar, minha sugestão são R$ 10, mas vc pode definir o valor que quiser. Obrigado!



Assine e colabore diretamente para realização do RESUMIDO!


Link to 15 Insane Things That Correlate With Each Other

15 Insane Things That Correlate With Each Other

Why do these things correlate? These 15 correlations will blow your mind. (Is this headline sensationalist enough for you to click on it yet?)

Link to Hipgnosis hits the high notes on back of music streaming boom

Hipgnosis hits the high notes on back of music streaming boom

Songs fund reports 66% revenue rise after buying 84 catalogues last year including 50 Cent and Barry Manilow

Link to Rolling Stones, Tom Jones and more join campaign for law change on streaming

Rolling Stones, Tom Jones and more join campaign for law change on streaming

Musicians join Paul McCartney, Kate Bush and others in campaign for better remuneration from companies such as Spotify, and creation of industry regulator

Link to Infographic: The Influence of Influencers

Infographic: The Influence of Influencers

This chart shows the share of respondents in selected countries who have bought products because celebrities or influencers advertised them.
Link to Trump blog page shuts down for good

Trump blog page shuts down for good

The page “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” was “just auxiliary to the broader efforts” we have and are working on,” Trump aide Jason Miller said.

Link to In Response to Oversight Board, Trump Suspended for Two Years; Will Only Be Reinstated if Conditions Permit – About Facebook

In Response to Oversight Board, Trump Suspended for Two Years; Will Only Be Reinstated if Conditions Permit – About Facebook

We’re announcing new enforcement protocols for exceptional circumstances and confirming the time-bound penalty for Mr. Trump’s accounts.


Link to Why ransomware cyberattacks are on the rise

Why ransomware cyberattacks are on the rise

A recent spate of ransomware attacks has left the nation reeling.

Link to Majority of Colonial Pipeline Ransom Recovered, Justice Dept. Says

Majority of Colonial Pipeline Ransom Recovered, Justice Dept. Says

Link to JBS foi alvo do grupo de ransomware REvil, segundo FBI | Aplicativos e Software | Tecnoblog

JBS foi alvo do grupo de ransomware REvil, segundo FBI | Aplicativos e Software | Tecnoblog

Ataque paralisou operações da JBS na Austrália, Canadá e EUA; REvil é um dos grupos de ransomware mais perigosos da atualidade

Link to Biden to rebuke Putin over hack of meat processor JBS

Biden to rebuke Putin over hack of meat processor JBS

Joe Biden will rebuke Vladimir Putin over the cyber attack on JBS, the world’s biggest meat processor, when the two…

Link to A Self-Driving Truck Got a Shipment Cross-Country 10 Hours Faster Than a Human Driver

A Self-Driving Truck Got a Shipment Cross-Country 10 Hours Faster Than a Human Driver

A human driver took the wheel for the first 60 miles or so, from Nogales to Tucson—but from there the self-driving system took over.

Link to Amazon’s Cost Saving Routing Algorithm Makes Drivers Walk Into Traffic

Amazon’s Cost Saving Routing Algorithm Makes Drivers Walk Into Traffic

“It’s fucking horrendous, honestly. [You’re crossing] multiple lanes, busy traffic.”

Link to Apple adds welcome privacy features to Mail, Safari

Apple adds welcome privacy features to Mail, Safari

Say goodbye to IP tracking.

Link to Apple paid millions after iPhone repair techs posted a customer’s nude photos to Facebook

Apple paid millions after iPhone repair techs posted a customer’s nude photos to Facebook

It calls the 2016 incident “egregious.”

Link to Google’s latest Android ad tracking changes still aren’t enough

Google’s latest Android ad tracking changes still aren’t enough

It’s no secret that Google is the world’s largest advertising company. It’s also clear which way the wind is blowing on ad trackers and cookies (even

Link to TikTok poderá coletar dados biométricos dos usuários, inclusive rostos e voz

TikTok poderá coletar dados biométricos dos usuários, inclusive rostos e voz

A Política de Privacidade do TikTok foi atualizada nos Estados Unidos para acionar um trecho que trata da coleta de dados biométricos faciais e da voz de usuários, o que acendeu o alerta sobre a razão pela qual a rede precisa de tais informações

Link to Girl Goes Viral With 1.1M Views By Sharing How She Found A Tile Tracker In Her Purse After A Night Out

Girl Goes Viral With 1.1M Views By Sharing How She Found A Tile Tracker In Her Purse After A Night Out

Viral video on TikTok raising more concerns about women’s safety and security.


Link to Will the Excelsior Pass, New York’s Vaccine Passport, Catch On?

Will the Excelsior Pass, New York’s Vaccine Passport, Catch On?

More than one million Excelsior passes have been downloaded since they were introduced, but officials are hoping they will be adopted more widely.

Link to The pandemic was the bloodiest year for driving in over a decade

The pandemic was the bloodiest year for driving in over a decade

Emptier roads led to more reckless driving.

Link to Jogadores da seleção brasileira decidem disputar a Copa América

Jogadores da seleção brasileira decidem disputar a Copa América

Embora insatisfeitos, atletas confirmam participação no torneio, que começa domingo

Link to Protocolo da Copa América prevê isolamento, testes a cada 48h e dispensa vacina

Protocolo da Copa América prevê isolamento, testes a cada 48h e dispensa vacina

Segundo ministro da Saúde, Marcelo Queiroga, a vacinação das delegações neste momento não teria tempo hábil para completar imunização


Link to Polícia britânica descobre ‘mina’ de bitcoins onde pensava existir plantação de maconha

Polícia britânica descobre ‘mina’ de bitcoins onde pensava existir plantação de maconha

Suspeitas surgiram por alto consumo de eletricidade, existência de muitos cabos e dutos de ventilação em propriedade industrial a noroeste de Birmingham. ‘Mineração de criptomoedas não é ilegal em si, mas roubo de eletricidade é’, explicou sargento, observando que, apesar da constatação de crime, não houve prisões porque o local estava vazio.


Link to Regra de Pareto para a Segurança Digital: 3 ações que mitigam 80% dos ataques – MIT Technology Review

Regra de Pareto para a Segurança Digital: 3 ações que mitigam 80% dos ataques – MIT Technology Review

É importante que as organizações tomem medidas que possam diminuir as vulnerabilidades. Por que não investir tempo e recursos para isso?


Link to The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of time

The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of time

How did the internet disrupt 20th century timekeeping systems and spark an insurgence of alternative historical narratives? How do old media institutions try (and fail) to keep up with the narratives of online subcultures? How does the immediate accessibility of so many alt histories undermine our ability to create shared visions of the future? And how might a more ecological awareness of the internet help us adapt to our disorienting digital time machines?

Link to The Tyranny Of Time | NOEMA

The Tyranny Of Time | NOEMA

The clock is a useful social tool, but it is also deeply political. It benefits some, marginalizes others and blinds us from a true understanding of our own bodies and the world around us.

Link to Virtual Reality Therapy Plunges Patients Back Into Trauma. Here Is Why Some Swear by It.

Virtual Reality Therapy Plunges Patients Back Into Trauma. Here Is Why Some Swear by It.

An experimental treatment seems poised to address a dire mental health crisis.

Link to The Aesthetics Of Activism: How Instagram Changed Protesting

The Aesthetics Of Activism: How Instagram Changed Protesting

Over the course of several months last year, a pattern emerged: A tragedy would occur, protests would arise across the country, and people would bring attention to civil unrest and explain what led to it on Instagram in the form of graphic, easily shared posts. The question then became: is the aestheticization of activism pushing the movement forward, or holding it back?


Link to O que conto quando conto uma piada

O que conto quando conto uma piada

O que conto quando conto uma piada

Link to Day X

Day X

How a military officer and a faked refugee identity were part of an alleged far-right plot to bring down the German government.

Link to Desenvolvimento da tecnologia precisa vir com distribuição de riqueza, diz Gilberto Gil

Desenvolvimento da tecnologia precisa vir com distribuição de riqueza, diz Gilberto Gil

Músico que fará palestra sobre o tema trata de futuro da ciência e da tecnologia em suas canções desde os anos 1960


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva em algum lugar!).