Nesse mundo digital e binário às vezes esquecemos da sutileza, do ajuste fino. Numa realidade contrastada a gente esquece que muita vezes o lance é a nuance.

Como podemos suavizar o atrito online?

E ainda no RESUMIDO #111: como proteger sua reputação online, os limites da privacidade na era digital, cuidado você pode estar sendo manipulado, a hora da maconha e do MD e muito mais!


O RESUMIDO é um podcast independente e financiado pelos ouvintes. Uma contribuição mensal ajuda a manter o conteúdo aberto e disponível para todos, inclusive para aqueles que não podem contribuir. Se você puder participar, minha sugestão são R$ 10, mas vc pode definir o valor que quiser. Obrigado!



Assine e colabore diretamente para realização do RESUMIDO!


Link to Cabo Verde quer um lugar no pódio da inovação digital em África – Mundo Negro

Cabo Verde quer um lugar no pódio da inovação digital em África – Mundo Negro

O continente africano, apesar dos efeitos da pandemia de covid-19, está em plena expansão econômica. O Banco de Desenvolvimento Africano (BAD) previu que, em 2021, o continente vai progressivamente desenlaçar-se da recessão de 2020 – a pior dos últimos 50 anos – com uma previsão de crescimento do PIB de cerca de 3,4%. Este cenário favorável ao desenvolvimento tem como principal

Link to As lições da favela que reduziu mortes por covid em 90% enquanto Rio vivia tragédia – BBC News Brasil

As lições da favela que reduziu mortes por covid em 90% enquanto Rio vivia tragédia – BBC News Brasil

Projeto criado por moradores, Fiocruz e ONGs tem plano de isolamento ‘sob medida’ para moradores da favela da Maré, testagem em massa para covid e atendimento médico por telefone. O resultado foi queda de quase 90% nas mortes em três meses.

Link to Torcer sem coletivo está nos fazendo mal: sobre “segunda tela”, imprensa esportiva e crises no futebol

Torcer sem coletivo está nos fazendo mal: sobre “segunda tela”, imprensa esportiva e crises no futebol

*Por Rodrigo Barneschi, do Na Bancada Sem ter muito o que dizer sobre mais um jogo espremido por um calendário criminoso, o narrador lança mão de uma

Link to Marvel’s Arena of Heroes: Golden State Warriors and New Orleans Pelicans Battle for Hero Points

Marvel’s Arena of Heroes: Golden State Warriors and New Orleans Pelicans Battle for Hero Points

The game starts game on Monday, May 3 at 7:30 p.m. ET on ESPN2, ESPN+ and ESPN Deportes.

Link to Stopping the Manipulation Machines

Stopping the Manipulation Machines

Regulators should crack down on “dark patterns,” widespread digital practices designed to deceive consumers.

Link to Can We Do Better Than Deplatforming?

Can We Do Better Than Deplatforming?

An interesting proposal.

Link to What Facebook Did for Chauvin’s Trial Should Happen All the Time

What Facebook Did for Chauvin’s Trial Should Happen All the Time

If the social-media giant can discourage hate speech and incitements to violence on a special occasion, it can do so all the time.

Link to Unbundling Facebook—and the Oversight Board’s Decision on President Trump…

Unbundling Facebook—and the Oversight Board’s Decision on President Trump…

How better understanding what Facebook *is* can help ensure the Oversight Board makes the right call—and how “Literacy Friction” can help.

Link to Mark Zuckerberg announces new ways for Instagram creators to make money

Mark Zuckerberg announces new ways for Instagram creators to make money

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a slew of features Instagram is working on to help creators generate more revenue from their content.

Link to Facebook harvests teenagers’ data and on-sells it to advertisers for targeted alcohol, vaping ads, report finds

Facebook harvests teenagers’ data and on-sells it to advertisers for targeted alcohol, vaping ads, report finds

Facebook is accused of harvesting the data of teenagers and on-selling it to advertisers for targeted alcohol, gambling, vaping and dating ads.

Link to Snap scraps racist coding terms in diversity and inclusion push

Snap scraps racist coding terms in diversity and inclusion push

Snap’s latest diversity report details the demographic makeup of the company and outlines how it’s working to create a more inclusive culture.


Link to Telecom groups sue New York over low-income broadband law

Telecom groups sue New York over low-income broadband law

The groups represent companies like AT&T and Verizon.

Link to US Supreme Court to decide if schools can punish kids for social media posts

US Supreme Court to decide if schools can punish kids for social media posts

A teenage cheerleader’s Snapchat post will feature in an upcoming Supreme Court ruling to decide whether children have a right to free speech in the US. A 9th grade girl took to Snapchat to vent her frustrations after learning she hadn’t be

Link to With the Kremlin’s blessing, Russian companies embrace biometric ambitions

With the Kremlin’s blessing, Russian companies embrace biometric ambitions

On a busy Friday afternoon at a supermarket in Moscow , customers were waiting in line to pay for their groceries. Most planned to use credit cards or cash, unaware that they had a new option: to pay…

Link to Deepfake satellite imagery poses a not-so-distant threat, warn geographers

Deepfake satellite imagery poses a not-so-distant threat, warn geographers

Deepfakes from above.

Link to The Slander Industry

The Slander Industry

Who makes money from destroying reputations online?

Link to Creeping as a Service (CraaS)

Creeping as a Service (CraaS)

How Spoonbill reveals our obsession with identity


Link to Semana “Hora da maconha?”

Semana “Hora da maconha?”

Enquanto as pesquisas na saúde evoluem e grandes economias do mundo ostentam seus lucros, por aqui pesquisadores, empresários e pacientes lutam para viabilizar avanços no tema

Link to A Psychedelic Drug Passes a Big Test for PTSD Treatment

A Psychedelic Drug Passes a Big Test for PTSD Treatment

A new study shows that MDMA, known as Ecstasy or Molly, can bring relief when paired with talk therapy to those with severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

Link to Mental Health Action Day

Mental Health Action Day

In the wake of COVID-19, millions of people have uncovered new mental health issues and millions more have had their existing challenges exacerbated. We must take steps now to meet the needs of our communities and identify opportunities to build long-term resilience.

Link to Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks

Research Proves Your Brain Needs Breaks

In a study of brain wave activity, researchers found back-to-back virtual meetings are stressful. But the research also points to a simple remedy—short breaks.


Link to The tactics police are using to prevent bystander video

The tactics police are using to prevent bystander video

Kian Kelley-Chung was wearing a black T-shirt with the logo of his documentary and art collective on the day last summer when he found himself filming the Washington, DC, police during a protest. It was August 13, 2020, and Kelley-Chung had been recording Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the city for a couple of months.…

Link to A Tecnopolítica da Sputnik V

A Tecnopolítica da Sputnik V

A Índia tinha acabado de autorizar o uso emergencial da Sputnik V e a página da vacina russa no Instagram anunciou um concurso para concorrer a pacotes turísticos de vacinação na Rússia. O post que estampava o estereótipo de um casal indiano, ambos fazendo o sinal de V com as mãos apontadas para a c

Link to Boletim da Vacina – Boletim da Vacina

Boletim da Vacina – Boletim da Vacina

O Boletim da Vacina é um programa de educação regulatória sobre o mercado de saúde no Brasil e no mundo.A executiva de Qualidade e Compliance Regulatório Thaís Gondar conta, com uma linguagem divertida e popular, quais os meandros burocráticos pelos quais passarão as vacinas e como a pandemia de covid-19 tem afetado as regulações do mercado farmacêutico e os riscos à saúde pública.Acompanhe pelo seu tocador de podcast favorito e pelo YouTube às quartas-feiras.

Link to 3 reasons most public masking is still important — even if you’re vaccinated

3 reasons most public masking is still important — even if you’re vaccinated

The CDC says we can now drop our masks outdoors in some cases. Experts explain where we still need to keep them on.

Link to Paper-first Vaccination Journey

Paper-first Vaccination Journey

VaccineDiary: Algorithmic Protocol, E-card, Mobile App and Research Papers


Link to SNL’s Cast Won’t Be Forced to Appear in Sketches with Elon Musk

SNL’s Cast Won’t Be Forced to Appear in Sketches with Elon Musk

The Tesla CEO’s upcomingSNLappearance is causing a stir at Studio 8H. Less than a week out from hisSaturday Night Livedebut, Elon Musk is already proving to be one of the more divisive hosts in recent memory. In fact, several cast members have voiced their reluctance to even appear in a sket

Link to Noam Chomsky y Pepe Mujica protagonizan un documental en el que reflexionan sobre la necesidad de “un radical cambio de rumbo global”

Noam Chomsky y Pepe Mujica protagonizan un documental en el que reflexionan sobre la necesidad de “un radical cambio de rumbo global”

Se titula “Chomsky & Mujica” y está en proceso de post-producción en busca de financiamiento colectivo. ¿De qué se trata esta película filmada durante un fin de semana en Montevideo por el mexicano Saúl Alvídrez?

Link to


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva em algum lugar!).

Essa semana a curadoria foi feita pelo produtor Kassin.