Em ritmo de (breves) férias, o RESUMIDO #14 traz: a ascensão dos podcasts, obsolescência programada, depressão, comer sozinho, como fugir do Google e também da Adobe e dicas de filme e onde assistir outros de graça.

Não deixe de conferir o link para campanha Apoia.se/resumido.

Abaixo, todos os links comentados no programa. O podcast está disponível em todas as plataformas, incluindo Spotify e Apple Podcasts.

Cultura digital

Link to Podcast eleva receita do The New York Times com publicidade

Podcast eleva receita do The New York Times com publicidade

Nicho ajuda a impulsionar faturamento no digital; empresa ganha 223 mil assinantes online

Link to No Brasil, 40% dos internautas já ouviram podcast – Meio & Mensagem

No Brasil, 40% dos internautas já ouviram podcast – Meio & Mensagem

Pesquisa do Ibope aponta que 19% dos usuários de internet brasileiros são ouvintes regulares e 32% não conhecem essa mídia

Link to Sidestepping Apple: the third-party tinkerers fighting for your right to repair

Sidestepping Apple: the third-party tinkerers fighting for your right to repair

Online repair communities are spreading repair knowledge online to place power back in the hands of consumers

Link to 73% of independent musicians suffer from mental illness, study says

73% of independent musicians suffer from mental illness, study says

Based on a web survey of almost 1,500 musicians.

Link to Table for one: how eating alone is radically changing our diets

Table for one: how eating alone is radically changing our diets

From grazing on snacks to dining solo, a third of Britons now regularly eat every meal on their own. Is this fuelling the loneliness epidemic or providing hidden health benefits?

Link to Google Plus is to be shut down after private data of half a million users was exposed

Google Plus is to be shut down after private data of half a million users was exposed

The tech firm kept quiet for months about a security flaw that gave third-party apps access to private information on the Google+ social network.The cover-up: According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Google discovered a bug in Google+ code in March and promptly fixed it, but decided not to reveal its existence.

Link to Chrome makes fundamental changes to how it handles cookies – TechCrunch

Chrome makes fundamental changes to how it handles cookies – TechCrunch

Google today announced a major new initiative around its Chrome browser that will, in the long run, introduce significant changes to how Chrome handles cookies and enhance its users’ privacy across the web. With this move, Google is making cookies more private and also adding new anti-fingerp…

Link to Why Should I Use DuckDuckGo Instead of Google?

Why Should I Use DuckDuckGo Instead of Google?

If you ever get asked why you should use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, here’s a definitive answer by our Founder & CEO, Gabriel Weinberg.

Link to Replacements for Adobe apps

Replacements for Adobe apps

Adobe’s trailing price hikes for its now subscription-only Creative Suite applications. Comic artist Michael Sexton (Patreon) made this handy at-a-glance chart so you know what pay-once apps …

Link to 10 Filmes sobre a China Moderna

10 Filmes sobre a China Moderna

Estou lecionando um curso sobre história e cultura da China na Casa do Saber do Rio de Janeiro. Durante as aulas, com frequência os alunos…

Link to Libreflix


Libreflix é uma plataforma de streaming aberta e colaborativa que reúne produções audiovisuais independentes, de livre exibição e que fazem pensar.


Link to APOIA.se – Financiamento Contínuo e Coletivo para quem Faz

APOIA.se – Financiamento Contínuo e Coletivo para quem Faz

Seu clube de assinaturas na maior e mais especializada plataforma do Brasil.


Uma seleção de músicas sobre a lua.