No RESUMIDO #53: Aproveitando uma ida ao mercado, conversei com algumas pessoas pelo caminho, comerciantes, trabalhadores e pessoas que por algum motivo tiveram que sair. Um registro em áudio do clima desse momento que estamos atravessando.

Abaixo, todos os links comentados nesse episódio. 




Assine e colabore diretamente para realização do RESUMIDO!


Por conta da mudança de formato nesse episódio dessa semana, não fiz comentários sobre notícias e links.

Porém compartilho aqui o que estava separado, já que muitos deles podem estar fora de contexto nas semana que vem.


Durante a quarentena tenho feitos entrevistas ao vivo através do Instagram do RESUMIDO (@resumido.podcast), normalmente terças, quartas e quintas, as 21h.

Essa semana entrevistei a Dra. Margareth Dalcolmo, pneumologista e pesquisadora da Fiocruz. A converasfoi muito boa e já está no IGTV do RESUMIDO:

Nessa quarta, dia 25 de março, recebo a @thabataganga, pra falar sobre os esforços que ela está liderando para ajudar a combater a pandemia com tecnologia de impressão 3D para produção de máscaras e válvulas. Nos vemos as 21h! (ou vc pode assistir no IGTV se estiver lendo isso após a data).

Link to Brasileira cria rede para imprimir em 3D equipamentos de UTI usados no tratamento contra o coronavírus

Brasileira cria rede para imprimir em 3D equipamentos de UTI usados no tratamento contra o coronavírus

Thabata é engenheira biomédica especialista em próteses de impressão 3D para crianças. Agora ela quer ajudar pacientes de Covid-19 que precisarem de equipamentos hospitalares como respiradores artificiais.

Link to People Are Trying to Make DIY Ventilators to Meet Coronavirus Demand

People Are Trying to Make DIY Ventilators to Meet Coronavirus Demand

As countries face shortages of important medical equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic, makers are desperately trying to fill the gaps with open source designs.


Link to We’re not going back to normal

We’re not going back to normal

Social distancing is here to stay for much more than a few weeks. It will upend our way of life, in some ways forever.

Link to Autor de Sapiens e Homo Deus, Yuval Harari reflete sobre o mundo depois do coronavírus | NeoFeed

Autor de Sapiens e Homo Deus, Yuval Harari reflete sobre o mundo depois do coronavírus | NeoFeed

O escritor israelense Yuval Harari está pessimista e otimista ao mesmo tempo sobre as soluções da humanidade para essa crise. Ele abordou o tema em um longo artigo no jornal Financial Times

Link to Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How.

Coronavirus Will Change the World Permanently. Here’s How.

A crisis on this scale can reorder society in dramatic ways, for better or worse. Here are 34 big thinkers’ predictions for what’s to come.

Link to That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

The coronavirus pandemic has led to a collective loss of normalcy.


Link to Coronavirus in Italy: The shocking centre of the COVID-19 crisis

Coronavirus in Italy: The shocking centre of the COVID-19 crisis

Sky News goes to the town at the centre of the COVID-19 crisis in Italy.

Link to What is herd immunity and can it stop the coronavirus?

What is herd immunity and can it stop the coronavirus?

Once enough people get Covid-19, it will stop spreading on its own. But the costs will be devastating.

Link to UK coronavirus lockdown: what you can and cannot do

UK coronavirus lockdown: what you can and cannot do

Everything we know about the rules and restrictions so far

Link to Holanda rejeita confinamento como estratégia contra o coronavírus – 18/03/2020 – UOL Notícias

Holanda rejeita confinamento como estratégia contra o coronavírus – 18/03/2020 – UOL Notícias

O UOL agradece sua colaboração. Sua mensagem será analisada pela Redação e os erros confirmados serão corrigidos.

Link to UK to pay wages for workers facing job losses

UK to pay wages for workers facing job losses

The chancellor says employees who cannot work will receive 80% of their salary, up to £2,500 a month.

Link to Captured Western Governments Are Failing the Coronavirus Test –

Captured Western Governments Are Failing the Coronavirus Test –

In deciding on possible countermeasures, residents of Western democracies often hear only two opposite perspectives: Is the priority to minimize the loss of human lives, or to minimize the impact that the countermeasures might have on the economy? Even the simplest cost-benefit analysis suggests that the US government should be willing to spend up to $65 trillion and lock down the country to avoid extra deaths.     The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is not just testing financial markets, it is testing the very functioning of Western democracies, and they are failing the test.   At this point, you do not need …

Link to Opinion | A Plan to Get America Back to Work

Opinion | A Plan to Get America Back to Work

Some experts say it can be done in weeks, not months — and the economy and public health are at stake.

Link to Denmark’s Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression

Denmark’s Idea Could Help the World Avoid a Great Depression

“We are freezing the economy.”

Link to Opinion: The Great Depression actually destroyed children’s life chances – this new one will too

Opinion: The Great Depression actually destroyed children’s life chances – this new one will too

The colossal 20th century downturn created permanent, stress-induced health problems that never went away. With a barely functioning welfare system, it’s only a matter of time before history repeats itself

Link to Revista Veja teria conseguido resultado de exame de Bolsonaro para Coronavírus | Revista Fórum

Revista Veja teria conseguido resultado de exame de Bolsonaro para Coronavírus | Revista Fórum

A se confirmar essa informação e se a revista vier a publicá-la, o impeachment de Bolsonaro pode ser requerido por crime de responsabilidade

Link to Coronavírus: Sem licitação, Mandetta paga 67% mais para comprar máscaras de empresa de bolsonarista

Coronavírus: Sem licitação, Mandetta paga 67% mais para comprar máscaras de empresa de bolsonarista

Unidade vendida pela Farma Supply custa R$ 1,60, mas outro fornecedor cobrou R$ 0,96 do Ministério da Saúde. Contratos valem R$ 18,2 milhões.


Link to The 9 most important unanswered questions about Covid-19

The 9 most important unanswered questions about Covid-19

Is reinfection possible? Will it be seasonal? How prevalent is it really? These are some of the top questions on researchers’ minds.

Link to New blood tests for antibodies could show true scale of coronavirus pandemic

New blood tests for antibodies could show true scale of coronavirus pandemic

Large-scale testing of populations should reveal those who cleared virus without knowing they were infected

Link to Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection

Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection

Doctor groups are recommending testing and isolation for people who lose their ability to smell and taste, even if they have no other symptoms.

Link to How to Clean Your Home for Coronavirus

How to Clean Your Home for Coronavirus

It takes only a few minutes, but cleaning high-traffic surfaces once a day can make a difference in preventing the spread of infection.

Link to How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How to Handle Packages During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Be cautious and careful. But there’s no need to go overboard with panic.

Link to Copper Destroys Viruses and Bacteria. Why Isn’t It Everywhere?

Copper Destroys Viruses and Bacteria. Why Isn’t It Everywhere?

It could destroy norovirus, MRSA, virulent strains of E. coli, and coronaviruses—including the novel strain currently causing the COVID-19 pandemic.

Link to Bats are not to blame for coronavirus. Humans are

Bats are not to blame for coronavirus. Humans are

Reclusive, nocturnal, numerous — bats are a possible source of the coronavirus. Yet some scientists concur they are not to blame for the transfer of the disease that’s changing daily life — humans are.

Link to 300 pessoas estão presas num festival de música no Panamá por causa do coronavírus

300 pessoas estão presas num festival de música no Panamá por causa do coronavírus

A polícia colocou o Tribal Gathering Festival em quarentena por medo do coronavírus e agora está impedindo as pessoas de sair do local.


Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva!)