No RESUMIDO #46: a regulamentação da inteligência artificial, tela aberta, óculos da privacidade, o fim do anonimato, deepfake consciente, jornalismo livre, indignação contínua, entregadores de app, círculos, curtas oscarizados, transmissão alternativa, um macaco investigado e muito mais!

Abaixo, todos os links comentados nessa edição. 




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Link to The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It

The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It

A little-known start-up helps law enforcement match photos of unknown people to their online images — and “might lead to a dystopian future or something,” a backer says.

Link to Creeped out by Facebook’s algorithms? Just wait until you see this new facial recognition tool released by anonymous Russian programmers. — Meduza

Creeped out by Facebook’s algorithms? Just wait until you see this new facial recognition tool released by anonymous Russian programmers. — Meduza

On February 11, Russian Internet users discovered a website,, that allows anyone to search the massive social media network VKontakte using a single image. The site’s functionality was simple: after uploading a photograph that included someone’s face, users could see a list of links to VKontakte pages with photographs that may depict the same person. On February 13, after the social media network announced that it would sue SearchFace for “gross violations of [VKontakte’s] rules,” the algorithm’s creators removed profile links from the site’s search results but retained the rest of its functions.

Link to Opinion | What Happens When Employers Can Read Your Facial Expressions?

Opinion | What Happens When Employers Can Read Your Facial Expressions?

The benefits do not come close to outweighing the risks.

Link to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai says there is ‘no question’ that AI needs to be regulated

Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai says there is ‘no question’ that AI needs to be regulated

Even tech companies want to see some AI regulation

Link to Supreme Court declines to hear Facebook facial recognition case

Supreme Court declines to hear Facebook facial recognition case

The Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to take up a high-profile court battle over whether users can sue Facebook for using facial recognition technology on their photos without proper consent.

Link to From Washington State to Washington, D.C., lawmakers rush to regulate facial recognition

From Washington State to Washington, D.C., lawmakers rush to regulate facial recognition

As lawmakers consider facial recognition regulation and express a growing sense of urgency, Microsoft and Amazon have been top of mind.

Link to The EU might ban facial recognition in public for five years

The EU might ban facial recognition in public for five years

The news: The European Commission is considering a ban of facial recognition in public places for up to five years, with exceptions for research and security projects, according to a white paper draft obtained by Politico.

Link to Special sunglasses, license-plate dresses: How to be anonymous in the age of surveillance

Special sunglasses, license-plate dresses: How to be anonymous in the age of surveillance

A fringe movement of privacy advocates are experimenting with clothes, makeup and accessories as a defense against some surveillance technologies. Some wearers desire to opt-out of “surveillance capitalism,” while others fear government invasion of privacy.

Link to Deepfakes: Do Not Believe What You See

Deepfakes: Do Not Believe What You See

Deepfakes are a new dimension of fake news that pose a danger to democracy and vulnerable groups. Join leading deepfake artist Hao Li to explore the known and potential implications of this technology on society and how we need to react. This is a livestreamed session.

Link to Making deepfake tools doesn’t have to be irresponsible. Here’s how.

Making deepfake tools doesn’t have to be irresponsible. Here’s how.

It’s possible to limit the harm synthetic media tools might cause—but it won’t happen without effort.

Link to The Human Screenome Project will capture everything we do on our phones

The Human Screenome Project will capture everything we do on our phones

It proposes taking screenshots of your smartphone activity every five seconds to better understand our digital lives. Is it worth it?

Link to Force social-media firms to share data to cut teen suicides, say psychiatrists

Force social-media firms to share data to cut teen suicides, say psychiatrists

The news: Social-media companies should be forced to share data about their users and how they use their products as part of research aimed at reducing rates of suicide and self-harm among young people, says a new report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.Hand it over: The college, which represents psychiatrists working in the UK, has called on the government to compel Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to hand over data to academics on the type of material users are viewing, and the amount of time they are spending on the platforms.


Link to Juiz ordena suspensão de serviços do Uber na Colômbia

Juiz ordena suspensão de serviços do Uber na Colômbia

Um juiz da Superintendência da Indústria e Comércio, que regula o mercado, avaliou que o aplicativo do Uber viola as normas de concorrência do país


Link to Sem ser investigado ou indiciado, Glenn Greenwald é denunciado pelo Ministério Público sobre invasão de celulares de autoridades

Sem ser investigado ou indiciado, Glenn Greenwald é denunciado pelo Ministério Público sobre invasão de celulares de autoridades

Decisão do ministro Gilmar Mendes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, determinava que Glenn não fosse investigado. Em nota, defesa disse que a denúncia fere a liberdade de imprensa e é fruto de uma ‘disputa política’.

Link to Glenn Greenwald Charged With Cybercrimes in Brazil

Glenn Greenwald Charged With Cybercrimes in Brazil

Mr. Greenwald is accused of being part of a “criminal investigation” that hacked into the cellphones of prosecutors and public officials.

Link to O que se sabe sobre o atentado à sede do Porta dos Fundos

O que se sabe sobre o atentado à sede do Porta dos Fundos

Edifício onde são feitas as gravações do canal de humor foi atacado com coquetéis molotov na última terça-feira. Polícia investiga o caso como vandalismo e tentativa de homicídio.

Link to Bolsonaro exonera secretário da Cultura, que fez discurso com frases semelhantes às de ministro de Hitler

Bolsonaro exonera secretário da Cultura, que fez discurso com frases semelhantes às de ministro de Hitler

Em vídeo para divulgar concurso, Roberto Alvim disse que a arte deve ser ‘heroica’ e ‘imperativa’, ‘ou não será nada’, assim como Goebbels. Secretário disse que caso foi ‘coincidência retórica’.

Link to Caetano critica ato de censura ao Porta dos Fundos: “não estamos no Irã”

Caetano critica ato de censura ao Porta dos Fundos: “não estamos no Irã”

Caetano Veloso se pronunciou sobre o caso de censura ao Porta dos Fundos, que chegou a ser censurado através de uma ação judicial por conta do “Jesus gay”.


Link to ‘O pior inimigo do meio ambiente é a pobreza’, diz Paulo Guedes em Davos

‘O pior inimigo do meio ambiente é a pobreza’, diz Paulo Guedes em Davos

Segundo o ministro da Economia, as pessoas destroem o meio ambiente ‘porque precisam comer’.

Link to 10 climate change villains

10 climate change villains

Which human activities contribute the most to climate change? Burning fossil fuels, yes. But also deforestation, agriculture and natural gas flares.

Link to Erro no Enem 2019 ‘rouba’ até 454 pontos de candidatos entre 2018 e 2019, veja relatos

Erro no Enem 2019 ‘rouba’ até 454 pontos de candidatos entre 2018 e 2019, veja relatos

G1 comparou desempenho nas provas dos candidatos com problemas na correção e viu queda de até 55% na nota de matemática. O período de inscrições do Sisu, que usa notas do Enem para entrar em uma universidade federal, foi prorrogado em dois dias. Inep diz que falha foi corrigida.


Link to A escassez gera inovação | URBe | por Bruno Natal

A escassez gera inovação | URBe | por Bruno Natal

Sem acordo com a TV Globo, os jogos do Flamengo no Campeonato Carioca não estão sendo transmitidos. Para assistir as partidas ao vivo, só indo ao estádio. A supresa da temporada é que torcedores têm…

Link to I Had to Do Right by Mac Miller

I Had to Do Right by Mac Miller

Producer Jon Brion on the gutting task of completing the rapper’s final album after his sudden death.

Link to What Netflix’s The Circle gets right about social media

What Netflix’s The Circle gets right about social media

The new reality show treats being fake on the internet like it’s normal. Good.

Link to Oscars 2020: How to Watch All The Short Film Nominees

Oscars 2020: How to Watch All The Short Film Nominees

The 2020 Oscar nominations for the best short films of the year have been revealed, but where can you watch all the movies from each category?

Link to Watch David Lynch Interrogate a Monkey in His New Netflix Short Film

Watch David Lynch Interrogate a Monkey in His New Netflix Short Film

Titled “What Did Jack Do?”, the 17-minute film is Netflix’s gift to Lynch fans on his 74th birthday.


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