Modelos matemáticos são ótimos para ajudar a prever situações.

Porém, ah porém, quando entra em cena o comportamento humano as coisas ficam… imprevisíveis.

Como equilibrar a precisão tecnologia e a imprevisibilidade humana?

E ainda no RESUMIDO #70: as consequências do hack do Twitter para segurança online, inteligências artificiais cada vez criando melhor, os riscos das bolhas sociais e muito mais!




Assine e colabore diretamente para realização do RESUMIDO!


Link to Biden, Gates, other Twitter accounts hacked in Bitcoin scam

Biden, Gates, other Twitter accounts hacked in Bitcoin scam

Unidentified hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of technology moguls, politicians, celebrities and major companies Wednesday in an apparent Bitcoin scam. The ruse included bogus tweets…

Link to An update on our security incident

An update on our security incident

An update on our security incident and what we know so far.

Link to Twitter temporarily disabled tweets from verified accounts

Twitter temporarily disabled tweets from verified accounts

In an effort to prevent more hacked accounts from posting crypto scams, Twitter has apparently chosen to disable tweets from verified accounts. Though the company has not yet confirmed this to us, Engadget staffers have experienced this with our own verified accounts.

Link to The Twitter Hack Could Have Been Much Worse—and Maybe Was

The Twitter Hack Could Have Been Much Worse—and Maybe Was

The meltdown appears to be part of a bitcoin scam and not something more nefarious, but security experts are troubled that it happened at all.

Link to Hackers Tell the Story of the Twitter Attack From the Inside

Hackers Tell the Story of the Twitter Attack From the Inside

Several people involved in the events that took down Twitter this week spoke with The Times, giving the first account of what happened as a pursuit of Bitcoin spun out of control.

Link to Hackers Convinced Twitter Employee to Help Them Hijack Accounts

Hackers Convinced Twitter Employee to Help Them Hijack Accounts

After a wave of account takeovers, screenshots of an internal Twitter user administration tool are being shared in the hacking underground.

Link to What the Twitter Hack Revealed: An Election System Teeming With Risks

What the Twitter Hack Revealed: An Election System Teeming With Risks

The breach that targeted Joe Biden, Barack Obama and others served as a warning: Had it happened on Nov. 3, hoping to upend the election, the political fallout could have been quite different.

Link to The Hackers Who Can Hijack Your SIM Card Using Only Your Phone Number

The Hackers Who Can Hijack Your SIM Card Using Only Your Phone Number

Meet the hackers who flip seized Instagram handles and cryptocurrency in a shady, buzzing underground market for stolen accounts and usernames. Their victims’ weakness? Phone numbers.

Link to Reino Unido, EUA e Canadá acusam Rússia de usar hackers para tentar roubar a pesquisa de vacina contra Covid-19

Reino Unido, EUA e Canadá acusam Rússia de usar hackers para tentar roubar a pesquisa de vacina contra Covid-19

Uma declaração coordenada do Reino Unido, Estados Unidos e Canadá atribui os ataques a um grupo de hackers que ‘quase certamente operam como parte dos serviços de inteligência da Rússia’.

Link to Iranian Spies Accidentally Leaked Videos of Themselves Hacking

Iranian Spies Accidentally Leaked Videos of Themselves Hacking

IBM’s X-Force security team obtained five hours of APT35 hacking operations, showing exactly how the group steals data from email accounts—and who it’s targeting.


Link to Clients loved this designer’s work. Turns out, he was an AI

Clients loved this designer’s work. Turns out, he was an AI

A Russian design firm passed off computer-generated work as human, and it’s a peek at things to come.

Link to Elon Musk-backed OpenAI to release text tool it called dangerous

Elon Musk-backed OpenAI to release text tool it called dangerous

The API gives firms access to a text generation AI for use in coding and data entry

Link to É possível eliminar vieses dos algoritmos? Pesquisadores da PUC-Rio apontam novos caminhos – Computerworld

É possível eliminar vieses dos algoritmos? Pesquisadores da PUC-Rio apontam novos caminhos – Computerworld

Estudo busca ajudar no diagnóstico dos métodos existentes de aprendizado de máquina, entregando mais transparência e melhorando interpretabilidade

Link to Elon Musk says people will eventually consume music through implanted brain chip

Elon Musk says people will eventually consume music through implanted brain chip

Elon Musk said his new Neuralink brain chip product will allow users to stream music directly into their brains. Read the details here.

Link to As vantagens do decrescimento

As vantagens do decrescimento

“Pois será uma satisfação perfeitamente positiva ingerir alimentos sadios, ter menos barulho, estar num meio ambiente equilibrado, não mais sofrer restrições de circulação etc.” Jacques Ellul1 Depois de algumas décadas de desperdício frenético, entramos na zona das perturbações climáticas, das guerras do petróleo, da guerra da água… Em 14 de fevereiro de 2002, em Silver …

Link to Just Collect Less Data, Period.

Just Collect Less Data, Period.

Every company wants the biggest data stockpile possible. We need unilateral data disarmament.

Link to German proposals for supply chain law spark fierce debate

German proposals for supply chain law spark fierce debate

Businesses worry that demand for due diligence will put companies at a disadvantage

Link to Teens Are Disguising As Mask-Wearing Grandmas to Buy Booze

Teens Are Disguising As Mask-Wearing Grandmas to Buy Booze

(Or so they claim on TikTok.)


Link to Bolhas sociais podem ser a melhor forma das sociedades saírem do confinamento – MIT Technology Review

Bolhas sociais podem ser a melhor forma das sociedades saírem do confinamento – MIT Technology Review

Ficar com grupos de amigos, vizinhos ou familiares durante o confinamento deu a muitas pessoas, especialmente as que ficam presas em casa sozinhas, uma maneira de aliviar o isolamento sem espalhar a Covid-19. Esses grupos são conhecidos como bolhas ou “quaranteams”, e as novas simulações de computador descritas na Nature em junho mostram que podem realmente funcionar.

Link to E agora, como fica o “pacto coletivo” do isolamento?

E agora, como fica o “pacto coletivo” do isolamento?

Raiva, revolta e medo. Conversamos com neurologistas, pesquisadores de linguística e psicanalistas, como Christian Dunker e Maria Lucia Homem, para entender como a flexibilização da quarentena nos afeta.

Link to Gabriela Pugliesi volta ao Instagram após críticas por festa durante a pandemia

Gabriela Pugliesi volta ao Instagram após críticas por festa durante a pandemia

Influenciadora fez festa em casa em abril e foi criticada nas redes sociais. Depois de três meses, ela reativou perfil e diz ter vivido aprendizado após cometer ‘erro imaturo e inconsequente’.

Link to UK tour for hit show Six and top music acts axed due to local lockdown concerns

UK tour for hit show Six and top music acts axed due to local lockdown concerns

Musical producer Kenny Wax says news comes as a disappointment at a time when huge numbers of freelancers are out of work

Link to Concert simulations used to restart events in Germany | IQ Magazine

Concert simulations used to restart events in Germany | IQ Magazine

The Restart-19 project will see 4,000 volunteers attend different concert simulations in an attempt to identify how to host large-scale events without risk of infecion



Playlist semanal do RESUMIDO, atualizada a cada edição (se gostou muito de alguma música, salva em algum lugar!)